Hey, i just got my Lj a few days ago (had one before tho) and wanted to join a community! Sorry if the lj cut doesn't work at first or says something werd because i don't know how to use them well.. lol :-)
*full name[middle name too]Alexandra Margot (silent t) Himelblau;
*nicknames Alex, (my dad) peanut & wibbly, at work-chilli;
*age 15;
*location Pleasanton ca!!;
*Will you stay active? OMG yes! I love promoting things.
*Did anyone ask you to join? if so..username: Didn't ask me, but i got it from neonsparkles
*name three places that you've promoted this community [links]
http://www.livejournal.com/users/notsomuch7/ (on my page) um.. none others because i didn't know how to get the banner
*post three or more pictures, at least one clear shot of your face
Ready.. set.. GO!