Jul 06, 2005 01:17
Soooooooooo im prolly gonna get FIRED tomorrow morning. I shall explain. The club that i work for usually closes on mondays. This monday happened to be the 4th of july. No one said anything to me about the club reopening, so i just assumed that it was closed and didn't show up for work. I showed up today and the front door was locked. I found another door that was open and went inside. No one was there. I went to where all the schedules were and saw that apparently there was an "alternate schedule" for yesterday and today, only I still have no idea what that schedule was or where I could find it. Everyone else seemed to know though. I saw that they also changed my schedule without telling me, and if it hadn't been for the fact that I snuck into the building, I would have no idea that I was supposed to show up at 11:30 tomorrow morning. If they don't fire me upon arrival. Unfortunately, although my bosses (I'm not actually sure which one is my "boss"...no one's really made that clear to me either) seem to tell everyone else in detail about their love lives as well as their partyage outside of the office place, they will not take the time of day to tell me when to show up for work. I also haven't gotten paid yet and I've been working for about two weeks now. Fuck the pine orchard country club, and then insert bananas into its members' rectums. I shan't take this kind of abuse.
Also, after nearly a month of not having seen nor spoken to her, brittany decided to im me out of the blue asking me for my phone number again as she lost her phone. She claimed that she shall "talk to me soon" but I don't see that happening. She's never going to call me, and I've deleted her number.