Apr 25, 2005 11:11
Weekend was really good...i should have organized a huge party instead of small get togethers...but i still had fun. and the house wasnt really trashed...so its all good. Everyone was so tanked on friday...i think i was moreso then saturday. and i was taking out the trash last night thinking...damn...i didnt even realize how much alcohol was consumed here.
Drove moms car all weekend. Holler.
Saturday was MSI. GREAT SHOW!. the first band sucked hardcore, SMB was really good...the bass player was hot. and MSI was just...good...and the bass player is hot.
what is it with hot bass players?
...Stephanie is so good being my evil spawn. <333333
and she almost got killed at the show, it was TERRIBLE!
wow...i just spaced out for a good 5 minute there. goin to get food...