I think anyone who believes euthanasia is wrong should think of it like this: would you like to live in pain, and suffering, not able to enjoy the people and things you love? I didn't think so. Doctor- assisted suicide is just that, assisted by a doctor. The person made an informed choice that it would be better for them to die than go on living. Some may feel like this is a horrible, awful thing, but it's all about quality of life. Those who make the choice to die have had the opportunity to live a full and productive life. They are asking to take their own lives, but to do it in a humane (okay that word may sound a little out of place there, but think out it… it fits), peaceful, comfortable way. And it’s not just the person who wants to die’s life at stake. If they are deteriorating and will soon be in a vegetative state, the burden of taking care of them, paying their medical bills, etc, are all left to their family members. Now don’t get me wrong, I am in no way saying that this should be an opportunity for anyone and everyone. And personally, I’m against suicide, abortion, etc. Those are just ways to get out of life, to avoid consequences. But with euthanasia, it’s not about avoiding consequences. It’s about quality of life. Okay, most of that sounded a little childish, but I’m late for class and don’t have time to fully process this question. But you get the point… hope it helps
Thanks for the help.
P.S. I miss talking to you.
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