Tweedily tweedly tweet!

May 14, 2009 20:05

  • 20:39 Why am I depressed over RP? #
  • 02:11 Tonight was intense. Emotionally drained. Bed now. Need a friend to talk to tomoorow. One who gets RP. #
  • 08:30 Not feeling it... Falling apart... I hate to be all emo over twitter... so... I won't. #
  • 09:26 Is there anyone around that can talk? IM me: AIM - Koiblossoms, Yahoo- maneki_neko_star, msn - #
  • 11:53 Dear Twitter: I love you more than you know. Thank you to everyone who gave me IM love today. I am forever endebted. Send more love! #
  • 12:38 intellectual stroke-gasm for the win. #
  • 14:03 Yeah...... I think a good snuggles in order. Anyone out there? #
  • 15:27 WHY WON'T THIS DAY END?!?! #
  • 15:44 I have a thought... but it's fleeting. #
  • 16:41 How do I shot web? #
  • 17:19 This is @venjinn and we are going to see star trek! #
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