Sep 28, 2005 21:15
so i just got over being sick as fuck
almost had to go to the hospital because of asthma attacks n shit
i saw my baby today finally after 3 days!!! I missed her so much
i have been workin on my song for the talent show a lot lately, i know i know, its like 5 months away...but thats five months that i have to write out and memorize a song! I need it to be perfect cuz its a song all about my baby!
I saw ryan and sticky and rere today, i havent seen sticky in forever so that was tight
Homecoming is REALLY REALLY close
I got alotta shit, basically spoiled myself bigtime with my last paycheck friday
I got Paul Walls new CD The Peoples Champ
I got a new set of earings
I got a dogtag for my nigga cracky
I got a big ass silver cross
and the paycheck before that...
I got a silver figaro bracelet
I got a silver geneva watch
and some other shit I dont remember
Gettin payed is fine!!!! lol i love it
I love my baby girl!!!!!!!
yall know what the boy name is