An IRL Story and a Hetalia Drabble

Jul 03, 2010 18:37

So hey! Welcome new friends! I enjoyed our witty banter on the friending meme. ;)

Oh, I am so sad. *sob sob sob* So I was in my room (where I am now), writing (what I'm doing now), when I heard that indistinguishable cheery music. "do-do do-do do-dododo-do, do-do do-do do-do doooo, do-do do-do do-dododo-do, do-do do-do do-do doooo, POP GOES THE WEASLE~" (cookies for anyone who actually guessed the music from the "do" rhythms...I don't expect to be giving cookies out to anyone, but still) Yes, that's right my friends, the ice cream truck. Now, at home, I live in an itty bitty cul-da-sac off of a busy road, so I don't get the ice cream truck very often. But here at my mom's house I'm in a neighborhood with many children. So, while the ice cream truck was more common, I still didn't usually catch it. My music being on too loud, or us being out shopping or something. So, at hearing the unmistakable tune, I grabbed my purse and tore out of the house and down the street, driven by my overpowering desire for the sweet sweet treat. But, alas, it was not meant to be. I ran the wrong way. And by the time I realized the music was getting softer (it couldn't be that I wasn't fast enough, no, I'm like a cheetah when it comes to food) it was too late. :'c No ice cream for me today. But one day, ice cream man, I will catch you. >8( One day...

Another perk from a neighborhood, neighbors. Particularly that very cute one to our right. I'm proud of myself, I finally have a summer crush that will go nowhere. And on the boy next door no less. Every young girl should have one of those in their lives. *nod nod* Anyway, he's very cute, but I think he's like, 18 at least. :( Oh well, I'll just enjoy the occasional glimpse of him walking to his car. *sigh*

Also, I bring a drabble. I was getting depressed with my angsty fic. Don't worry, I'll still finish it. I'm going to work on it after I post this in fact. I just needed a little brake, and drabbles are perfect for that. It's not very good, because I can't write fluff. Only angst. But it was just for fun anyway. :) My first time writing for the Italies (or Italys...?) so excuse the OOC-ness.

Title: Uhh...Nothing.
Author: xxfurryfirefoxx (me)
Characters: Romano and Italy, mentions of Spain and Germany (Spamano and GerIta)
Warnings/Rating: T, language.
Summary: Just a silly World Cup fic about the upcoming match against Spain and Germany

Romano was calmly reading a book in the living room, enjoying peace, quiet, and a tomato, when Italy skipped happily into the room. Too happily. The cheeriness was so intense that Romano was nearly blinded.

“What the fuck are so you happy about?” Romano growled, clamping the book shut.

“Ah, fratello!” Italy chirped, looking over at his brother. He plopped down next to Romano on the couch. “I’m happy because Germany won his game!”

“Ugh,” Romano groaned. “Still? It was hours ago! Get over it! He’s going to lose his next match anyway.” Romano went back to his book.
Italy snatched the book away and looked at Romano with hurt eyes. “What? Why do you say that?”

Romano rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Because his next match is against Spain, duh. He’s got no chance.”

Italy pouted, a foreign expression on that happy face. “Germany’s been doing really well! He’s scored four goals in is last few matches! He can take big brother Spain.”

“Please!” Romano stood up and took his book back from his brother. “Spain will win! Don’t have so much faith in your boyfriend!”

“Don’t have so much in yours.”

“Spain is not my boyfriend!” Romano flushed. “A-and, if he were, which he’s not, he’d-“ Romano lost his train on thought when he saw the sly grin on his brother’s face. “What?”

“My boyfriend is going to kick your boyfriend’s ass.” Italy’s grin widened.

“Idiot,” Romano growled. “We’ll see about that."

Edit!!! Relevent picture!!! 

hetalia, irl, character: romano, misc., character: italy, drabble

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