(no subject)

Oct 15, 2007 20:00

I'm so tired... today was an exhausting day. I should have figured as much that today wouldn't be the best day ever. I woke up with the thought of her. I really figure she'd be done occupying my mind, but apparently not. I have to say this as emo and whiny and bitchy as it sounds, I have to get it off my chest. It needs to be written down for me to see and for you to see, so you can hold me accountable to my word. I have to write this now while my heart is still in control and before my mind buries and shrouds it to become numb to protect myself. I write this here instead of directly to you for I no longer know who you are. I know you will never read this again because I've just become another bad experience, possibly your biggest regret. All I know is that you resemble that girl that I fell in love with so long ago, that serene and charming girl who embodied everything good in my life and personified love. I saw my world in you and my future with you. Whatever misfortunes may have befallen me would be more bearable with you in my life. I truly believe I shared my heart with you. The truth is I loved a lifetime's worth. I finally knew passion and undying love. I loved you with all my heart and lost you still. I gave everything and still wanted to give more. You may try to cheapen what we had with your words now, but you will never rob me of happiness' memory. Seasons will change and my mind will eventually numb me to the heartache. I knew you... you from July 2006 to February 2007. Maybe there was a brief whisper of the past in the midst of the summer, but it was just a fleeting echo. We've passed the point of no return. We will never be again. There is you. There is me. Never again will our lives intertwine as they did so happily in that carefree summer.

How fitting a song I'm listening to...
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