May 09, 2007 13:42
A few weeks ago, I wrote about this neat Aliens-inspired dream I had. Today, I woke up around 4 something because of a creepy dream I had. I was in this dimly lit room. The only thing that was illuminating the room was probably the moonlight. I start to doze off because there's not really much else to do in a dark room. That's when I notice a shadow emerge. I look to the window behind me to see if it's something outside. I glance really quick and there's nothing there. All of the moonlight is seeping through. So, my head snaps back around and I can see the silhouette's still just standing there. I study it a bit carefully and can see that it's about the size of a small child, and it's actually transparent. At that point, a red flag goes off in my brain and my heart starts pounding because I realized something : THERE IS A GHOST RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. Being the pansy that I am, I'm paralyzed with fear and all I can do is just stare at it in horror. Then, it lowers its head into its hands and starts crying. There's no inhuman, soul piercing shriek or anything. It's just sobbing away. I didn't know what to do, so I get all spiritual and start saying these Buddhist prayers. Eventually, it just disappears.
There's a bit of a break from this sequence to the next. I'm not sure how I really transitioned into it, but I was in what appeared to be a lobby of a really fancy hotel. Tan marble tiles lined the floor, glass doors, elaborate statues, you name it. I was just standing there. Apparently, my dad must have owned the place because this one lady had a FedEx package for me. She wasn't in the typical FedEx uniform though, not that it matters much. I lead her up the stairs while maintaining small talk. So, we must have reached the top story because I can see a really beautiful painting of a mountain and clouds. What's more impressive was that it was done in the same brown marble tiles as the rest of the interior of the hotel. I guess it isn't a painting then... maybe a mosaic? I dunno, I'm no art major. Anyways, I'm kind of just sitting there and I stretch to yawn, but when I do, lightning shoots across the mosaic. I raise my left arm and nothing. I raise my right arm and lightning shoots across the sky again. I do various gestures with my right hand and every time, there's this blue bolt that appears on the scenery. Being the nerd that I am, I emulate the scene from Star Wars Episode III and repeat the Emperor's lines "POWAHHHHHHH!" I get a chuckle out of it, but unfortunately, I must have caused a power surge cause everything goes dark. Fortunately, I can illuminate the room with my newfound power (which seems to only affect the mosaic, sadly). I raise my right hand and look at the ground. What do you know? The silhouette's right beside me, weeping again. This time, it has 3 buddies. One of them is standing motionless; the other two have their hands raised and are slowly inching towards my skull. I can actually see their reflection off the marble, and they have the slightest hint of blood stained teeth. At that point, I wake up. Spooky as hell... I have a hard time going back to sleep.