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Apr 20, 2008 23:31

AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! It's been the week from HELL! I still have 25 more sketches and I have to paint two more 11x15 things in watercolor for my drawing suite. I think I've done pretty well. My 30x40 is DONE!! Finished it about an hour ago. I worked my ass off. I'm not REALLY sure if I like it, but it's growing on me. Before I post the photo, I should explain... We had to use one reference for the piece itsself. And then we had to use three color references. One had to be the origional color, one had to be color from a decorative piece of art in history, and the last had to be a color scheme [that one is supposed to look almost vector-like... very graphic]. So.. Here it is. I'm sure you can figure out which is which...

And then this one shows more the actual colors... I had to use a flash, so the first one is all...shiny... But at least you can see some of the texture in the background.

This weekend, I also went shopping with Joe and his family to get stuff for the apt. Then we went back to it and set lots of stuff up. We put together the bakers rack and a CD/DVD shelf thingy. We were VERY productive. And we worked together, and got frusterated together. I think it was good for us. We havn't gotten into a fight yet. And I don't want to fight with him, but it's kind of GOING to happen eventually. But we were getting angry with the bakers rack, and flustered with eachother, but we talked about everything and we were all good afterward :)

I've got 2 days left!! Then Wed. I have a school party to go to, and on Thursday, I'm going to Mechanicsburg to take some stuff back and see my puppies. Apparently Fred got a zap collar. :( He's been a bad boy, I guess.... Annndd then on Friday, I might go to Baltimore. Joe wants to take me out to dinner. Then we're going to Hershey Park on Saturday. :) Should be a good week after all this school stuff.
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