
Jul 23, 2006 22:01

Quick update.
Here are the photos from philips apartment in gera.
an old church in gera

So that evening after we got back from gera, two of flos friends that i met at marcs party came over and we went bowling. now as many of you know, i suck at bowling. maybe its lack of arm strength or maybe its lack of a competitive spirit....either way i got my but royally kicked by ze germans. flo of course, won every game. and he made sure everyone there knew it. his other friend chris was close behind him, and then his girlfriend did pretty good as well. but i didnt really mind, i liked just being there watching them play. it was like midnight bowling like we have at home where they turn off all the lights and everything glows under black light. the walls were painted like an underwater ocean scene. it was very cool. but the best thing was the music. i heard a song that i havnt heard since i was in the 2nd grade. now im sure some of you will remember this song...."Dont tell my heart...my achy breaky heart.....". for those of you who have known me for awhile (heather) im sure you will remember it. they played that song so many times on the radio i thought i was going to go crazy. when i heard it i couldnt belive it. it was so random. i mean here i am, hundreds of miles away from home, in a different country and i hear this song that brings back so many memories of my childhood. i never thought i would hear a country song in a bowling alley in germany. what an interesting evening it turned out to be.

now when i saw this heather....i thought of you and i knew i had to take a picture for you. this is a cigarette vending machine. they have them everywhere in germany. even in school. dont you wish you went to school in germany. then you wouldnt of had to steal mr tiptons keys. hahaha

-Not all who wander are lost, and not all who are lost want to be found-

So ive figured out lately, that i am a wanderer. i absolutly love to jsut wander around. and i must say, germany is the perfect place to do jsut that. flo's village is quite large and it has a lovely forest next to it that ive grown quite fond of. so for the last couple of days ive been going out in the afternoons and jsut walking around in the woods. i have to say one of the greatest things you can do is to just go take a walk somewhere. dont take a map, dont plan it out, just start walking.  i had no idea where i was going (mom dont freak out i knew how to get back to flo's house) i just left and walked for about 3 hours. it was lovely too. i was nice and sunny, a cool breeze. the trees are gorgeous and there are fields of flowers everywhere. fruits are hanging from trees and bushes along the side of the road. its nice to be able to just walk down the road and pick peaches and apples from the trees and eat them(by the way mom...they are granny smith apples). its like the garden of eden...or my version, the garden of eating.i just love the feeling of being cut off from the world sometimes. its very relaxing. i dont carry a cell phone, i dont wear a watch, theres no tvs or newspapers. no distractions at all. just nature. just the sounds of the birds and the wind blowing through the trees. ive found a lovely spot to sit next to a creek. theres always butterflies flying around and you can see sheep and cow in the fields in the distance.(im tryign my best to give you guys a mental picture, but nothings better then seeing it for real). so ive found that doing that has been one of the best parts of the trip. very relaxing.

Good thing i got all that relaxing in,cause today was a real trip.
we went to tswohowejnhlskd.....haha dont ask me how to spell it i have no idea and flos not here right now so oh well. but i do know that its the town where Marting Luther lived and translated the bible into German. we went ot the castle where he stayed  while translating it. it was a very large castle and it sat atop a huge hill so as you can guys we did alot of walking....and sweating. i thought my legs were goign to give out. its like the stairs and the hills were neverending. so finally we made it to the top, but once i saw the view, the struggle was worth it. from the top of the castle you could see for miles in every direction. it felt liek you were on top of the world. i sat there for along time and took some vidoes which i know you will all love to see. we went inside the main gate and sat down for a rest. the inside of the castle was filled with flowers and a lovely garden that was still as it was oringinally when the castle was built over 1000 years ago. some of the objects they had in the museum were 800 years old and still i good condition. the castle itself was having some work done to repair some damage but for the most part the castle looked exactly how it did originally. we took a tour throgh it and got to see some beautiful arwork on the walls and the ceilings. we walked all over the castle for about 3-4 hours. there was so much to see and read. poor flo i had to get him to translate everything for me. hehe. once we left we went and got lunch at a cute little outdoor cafe on the castle grounds. i realized today how much im going to miss german food. im growing quite fond of it. we had sausage today with bread and seasoned fries. it was delicious.we left there and went to a place called dragon valley. it was formed by two hills sliding so close to each other they almost collide except for a creek that runs throught the center. hundreds of years ago people in the town thought a dragon lived in the valley because anyone that went in never came out. they came to discover the problem. some tribe people that lived in the woods there would hide in the rocks in the valley and wait for people to pass trough and then throw rocks on top on them. the pass is so narrow that people couldnt escape, thus no one ever getting out alive, thus conjuring up the thought of a dragon. oh how i love a good story. the little valley is beautiful though. they have built a wooden path so you can get through. it very cold and very damp and theres water underneath the bridge that you walk on. its very myserious, beautiful and creepy all at the same time. my kind of place. i could stay there all day. but we couldnt so we left and we and looked at a car museum. lots of old cars dating back to the very first cars ever invented. pretty cool. but i think ive said enough for now, im sure your probably all tired of reading so im goign to go to be now. love you all. ill post back soon.

oh no who gave flo a weapon!
he looked angry. i guess i would be too if i had to wear chail mail on my head.
me and flo totally eating some delicious waffles.
doesnt flo look like hes having so much fun.
armor for midgets.
what can i say we are weird
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