Oct 15, 2005 11:10
I have neglected this thing way too much and now once that I write in it again..the thoughts aren't flowing as they used to. Alot has happened since I wrote last and I wouldn't be able to tell all of it, besides what comes to mind. This summer consisted of one main thing, getting fucked up. To some, this may sound pathetic, but it is however, one of the most consistent things in my life. School is standable when it's not 40 degrees, this isn't too often. I only have six classes, so the days don't drag out like they used to. For every grade higher I get, I realize more and more how there is less and less cool people at Frisco. I'm sure there's alot of people who could agree with this. Most people, I would rather not socialize with unless I had to. anyways, i'm done. more later.