Feb 08, 2006 15:47
So, the window in our hallway is open this morning. Nick asked Tray if he opened it. He didn't. Nick asked me if I opened it. I didn't. Nick says he didn't. However, nothing was missing, so we assumed it must have been one of the guys who have been periodically doing work on our house. Oh, how we were mistaken. I get dressed and go to my one o'clock class, grab some food at the Stern Center (mmmm...chik-fil-a....), and return home. As I walk down our little hallway to my room, I notice something is different. Realization dawns on me as I figure out what's wrong, and think, 'WHERE THE HELL IS MY BIKE?!' Yes, my bike got stolen, AGAIN. From INSIDE my house. It had to have happened in the hour Nick, Tray, and I were all in class, because it was there this morning. Oddly enough, they didn't touch the TV, the gaming consoles, the DVDs, or anything else. They didn't go in our rooms. I don't know when those scumbags jimmied open the window, because I was awake until 5 AM this morning. They figured out how to open the locked window, came back later in the day, broke into my house, and took only my bike, which I had been keeping in our hallway since my last bike got stolen off our front porch, lock and all. Frickin A, I am extremely pissed off at this. And freaked out. How the hell did they open a LOCKED window from outside? We can barely open those old things from inside as it is! I've never been happier that my dad had me make it a habit to lock my bedroom door when I sleep.
Eff it all, I'm getting a Rottweiler. And I hope it bites the burglar scum in their poopholes. Jerk-offs.