he who must not be named. voldermort.

May 02, 2005 09:59

well, on thursday, ashley mike & waylon all quit. it was quite tragic. seriously though--im in love with ashley. and now shes moving to north carolina and who knowssss when i'll get to see her. its so depressing. i know we'll keep in touch but eh. its horrible.

did a lot of random stuff this weekend..
went a'fishin! hah
hung out at a cemetary, lol
worked like whoa.
saw amandaaaaa

went to klekolo's with amanda last night. it was ridonk. i can never go there and not see 3478902 people i know. i saw audrey & roddic (sp?), then i saw alex with that random girl i met the night before, and then i saw amber to finish the night off. then we went to denny's where we saw kelley & the lovely nick mirsky. it was loads of fun. well im sure i'll remember more stuff later. till then, keep it real ; )
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