_watchingmefall for editing my eljay for me. I gave up a long time ago on all these overrides and crap. I'd rather just have you do it for me cuz you totally rock at it. Well i haven't posted in here in forever. I know i should post in here more because let's face it, it's way more private then my blog.
Well my great grandma died Monday July 5th. Most people that i'd told have been really sympathetic but it's not needed. We never have what you would call a loving family-type relationship. I did feel really bad when i saw her in the hospital on the 4th though. She didn't look like the person i knew and it is so hard to be in a room just watching someone die. It was like she was waiting for the last bit of family to say her goodbye's too before she gave up and let herself go. Dying is inevitable, and because of that i dont think people should be afraid of it. Yes fear of not being alive is understandable but we're all gonna die someday. We cant prevent it no matter how much we're afraid of it. The funeral is on Friday and i feel like i should make a presence but i dont think i can. The emotional grieving process of death even if you didn't know the person well is not and wasy thing to deal with.
Anyways on to a happier subject. My birthday is at the end of this month. I cant wait until i'm finally 19. I'm getting so close to not being a teenager anymore. I cant wait till the day i turn 20 and i consider myself a true adult............. I'm sending out my voters registration application tomorrow. I cant wait till November when i can vote for the new President. I think John Kerry should be elected. I like alot of his views and what he wants to do for this country. Well that is all. *skips off to work on*