Oct 08, 2005 23:44
Well the sox won...........yea to bad they were White. Well i kinda feel pised yet im happy for them and the fans i mean the redsox didnt win a world series since 1918 the White sox didnt win a series since 1917 they weredo and we just sucked up a storm but next year...schilling, foulk and the rest of them Idiots willbe at full capacity and will dominate i think and hope. By the way some fuck head in my speech classs basicly fucked the series ovver any way with his god awful "speech" about the Redsox winning and sweeping the white sox..fuck you joe you fucking sped monkey i hope you an your stupid fucking brian have fun being retarded bitch hoe.!!! any ways White Sox beter fucking win the World series....im tird and ima goin to Sleep.......night and night..
PS joes a fucking asshole and should be hit by a semi going 86mph....yes 86mph....and the truck is driving by LEPRACONS .....yea..im tired...joes a fool.....goodnight.........love ken...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz