Oct 05, 2006 23:41
i'm so tired. my hip is such an annoyance. physical therapy isnt helping, but rather making it worse? it doesnt make sense, i know.
some good things. sort of. in march, i'm going to milan (ie: italy) for the biggest Aveda hair show ever. it hasn't really set in yet in terms of how amazing its going to be. the only thing staring me directly in the face is the $800+ plane ticket and then added spending money. as a result, i've taken on another job (as if 60 hours a week wasn't enough) to help pay for the trip. i'm back working at westfield making really REALLY good money. so i'm working 7 days a week plus doing physical therapy as well as trying to keep a somewhat normal social life. expect an emotional breakdown in about 5 days. its ok though because i am more than determined to go on this trip. it will happen.
anyway, i'm gong to bed. i gotta work at nine.