Aug 08, 2005 22:30
Ok, I guess I'll make a real update. lol. Let's see...nothing new really, life's been peachy. I love being back wif my Bobert...:P We don't really get to see each other as much as I'd lyke, Ive onli seen him twice in the past week since we got back together, but still, the fact that he's mine again makes me all warm n fuzzy. *BIG CHEESY GRIN* We talked on the phone earlier and it was a great conversation, I love the way we joke around and shyt. Hehe, he's my master and I'm his bitch! :) I lyke that. BUt yeah, I was talkin about how when I get my own place my doggie's comin with me, and he was lyke "YOUR place?" and it took me a minute to realize what he was tryin to say lol. (He says the dog's not livin with us, and I agreed for now, but BULLSHIT! lmao) let's n my mom weren't gettin along too well earlier this week, I got kicked out a cupple times (me n my sis both actually) but now we'r okay. I'm tryin my damndest to finda job right now cuz I wanna hurry up and get outta here and be wif Bobert hehe. Well, I guess that's all folks, until next time, love peace and chicken grease (eww, that sounds disgusting)