WHAT is up

Jul 08, 2005 18:45

MY love my all my everything <3Sean<3

Hey everyone

i know its been a really long timesince iv updated  and i know what ur thinking:another guy oh my  hell be gone soon: think again  Seans moving down here nd im moving in with him hes fucking awesome !

ok ill tell you the stroy

we met last weekend @ someplace i dont rember i was drunk  and we were talking and hanging out and shit and he told me he lives in ohio i was so pissed i was like damnit why!!!!! but then he was like im moving to to south florida i was like ok good ! and  i was talking to him untill 3 days ago  we started going out and eaither im going to fly there or hes coming down here im not sure yet but omg look how hot he is  i dont know when but i cant take it much longer with out him  hes  fucking awesome hes 23 woowhoo  older then me look @ that well thats my input

well anyways the hurricane is coming and were having ppl over to die with us lol j/p well anyways i miss him alrready oh ya donnie marriewd already  and its only been what 7 month since him and i broke up wtf what a asshole i hoe he dies samewith selina that stupid cunt raganyways im leaving byebye
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