Oct 10, 2005 19:30
im so flippingoshdarngoodgollysuperfantastically confused.
..........and it may be a good thing? lol
yeah so i haven't updated in 1246329875982 years which is okay on account of no one reads this crap-o-la anywayy.
i like field hockey immensely and its almost over.tear. job time!!! lol
yuperrdoodles. i love love love the band him with all of my heart. they are my latest obsesssion.
Austrians are cool but Finland-ians are cool-ER. lol
i love it how i just found out a whole bunch of stuff about someone which makes me hate their guts now more than ever before. how lovely :D
yay for halloween soon!
yay for new haircut on tuesday!
yay for music!
yay for mikey!<-- gotta love that kid.
k k laterrr kidsss.