Sep 23, 2005 20:47
"I felt cold towards him. I had no contempt in superiority. Only a hunger for a new experience, for that which was beautiful and devastating as my kill."
Anne Rice, Interview with the Vampire.
wooo hooo i LOVE this book oh so very much. Its great great great. but any whooooo im mad bored and i have NO ONE to hang out with cuz i guesss im just not cool enough for anyone to wanna chill with me but w/e you people suck. the end. lol
yep. its just me and my great great weird book. who needs people when you got good books and good nusic?
not me. that's who.
yep. ill just get back to my book. all lonely in a dark room. hating people. sounds fun fun fun. yay!!!!!
as if any one was gonna read this anyway................
later LOSERS!