
Jan 23, 2004 21:29

today was the start of midterms....they werent as bad as i expected them to be, but they were alright. then i went to my grandmoms house cuz we got out @ 11. i was so scared cuz i never drove on a highway before but it wasnt that bad, so yeah. then ij ust came back from going to bingo with my family. it was fun. my brothers friend, xavier came and he is the politest kid ever. and hes jsut so sweet, and ah i just love him!!! lol

hopefully my life will soon become stress free. research paper is done, midterms are almost over. so yeah! lol

What is your favorite..

gum: eclispe
restaurant: hmm...olive garden maybe
drink: many
season: summer
type of weather: hot..but not too hot
emotion: happy
thing to do on a half day: relax
late-night activity: umm chill
sport: dunno
city: i duno.. 
store: oh god, i have a lot

When was the last time you..

cried: couple days ago
played a sport: in gym
laughed: a lil bit ago
hugged someone: today
kissed someone:today
felt depressed: i duno
felt overworked: the past couple weeks
faked sick: hmm...awhile ago...(Knock on wood)
lied: hmm...

What was the last..

word you said: boo
thing you ate: a brownie
song you listened to: suga suga
thing you drank: fruit punch
place you went to: coebourn
movie you saw: stuck on you
movie you rented: old skool
concert you attended:backstreet boys back in 7th grade

Who was the last person you..

hugged: shaun
cried over: dunno
kissed: shaun
danced with: shaun
shared a secret with: shaun or ashley
had a sleepover with: shaun on newyears
called: shaun
went to a movie with: shaun
saw: my mom
were angry with: no one
couldn't take your eyes off of: ??
obsessed over: no one

Have you ever..

danced in the rain: i dont think
kissed someone: yes
done drugs: no
drank alcohol: yes
slept around: nah
partied 'til the sun came up: yea
had a movie marathon: no
gone too far on a dare: no
taken a survey quite like this before: yes

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