my name is*: Erin
*in the morning i am*: tired
*love is*: right now, wonderful
*i dream about*: ...
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
*what do you notice first?*:teeth and eyes
-W H O-
*do you have a crush on?*: its not really a crush....shaun lol
*is easiest to talk to*: ashley
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
*fallen for your best friend* no
*been in love*: yes
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
*you talked to on the phone*: shaun
*hugged*: shaun
*you laughed with*: the girls
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
*could you live without the computer?*: eh...depends
*what's your favorite food?*: my moms mashed potatoes
*whats ur favorite fruit?* strawberries
*what hurts the most? i duno
*trust others way too easily?*: no
-N U M B E R-
*of times i have had my heart broken? *: none
*of hearts i have broken?*: i dont think any
*of boys i have kissed?* : 4
*of girls i have kissed?* : none
*of drugs taken illegally?* : 0
*of tight friends?* eh 3 or 4
*of cd's that i own?* : a lot
*of things in my past that i regret?* : nothing
*i know*: i need to work on my research paper
*i want*: it to be summer
*i have*: the best friends/boyfriend in the world
*i wish*: i didnt have to work
*i hate*: research papers
*i miss*: shaun
*i fear*: idk
*i hear*: my dad talking
*i love*: laughing so hard my stomach hurts
*i will always*: stay close with my family
*i dance*: when im happy
*i cry*: when i get upset
*i write*: when i have a lot of things on my mind
*i confuse*: myself sometimes
*i can usually be found*: in my room
*i need*: idk
*wuss*: eh..
*druggie*: no
*gang member*: no
*daydreamer*: yeah
*freak*: no
*brat*: no
*sarcastic*: yeah
*goody-goody* sometimes
*friend*: yea
*shy*: eh not reallly
*talkative*: yeh
*adventurous*: sometimes
*intelligent*: i think so
*most sarcastic*: hmm..
*knows you best*: amber
*most entertaining*:ashley
*love to be around*: shaun
*you are with most often: shaun/ashley
*your best feature*- idk
*annoying thing you do*: i dunno..
*biggest mistake you've made this far*: nothing
*describe your personality in one word*: crazy
*the physical feature for which you are most often complimented*: hair
*height*: 5'5''
*a smell that makes you smile*: victoria secret stuff
*a city/country you'd like to visit*: Australia
*a delicious dessert*: chocolate cheesecake that Shaun's aunt makes
*a book you highly recommend*: Hannahs Gift
*your favorite band*: dont have one
*a film you could watch over and over*: i have a lot lol
*TV show you watch regularly*: full house
*you live in a(n)*: house
*your transportation*: my parents vehicles
*under your bed or in your closet you hide*: nothing/clothes