These are my confessions

Jul 23, 2004 12:50

I love group It is this annonymous bulliten board thingy and it has a lot of posts that remond me of how i feel or felt.

I used to feel really bad about things like this . . .
I feel so terrible.

I moved the millipede to the side of the kitchen so no one would step on it. I poured a glass of orange juice, drank it, and put the glass back on the counter.

As I turned to go back to my homework, I heard a very loud crunching sound.

I looked down and realized I had completely crushed the bottom half of the smaller life form.

I feel so fucking bad. I would have cried if my parents hadn't been around.

How can it ever forgive me?

I'm so, so, so sorry, little millipede. One day, my bottom half will be crushed and I will be forced to crawl around using my arms until someone throws me away to be eaten by vultures.

Then, perhaps we can be friends.

What if he ever feels like this ? Will he tell me? Or treat me like this . . . like every other guy?
I used to love my girlfriend. Now I just can't stand her. I find her annoying, unattractive, and very disinteresting (If that is a word). I don't have the guts to tell her I want to break up, so I just work a lot and try to avoid her. We're on a break now, so I think she is getting the idea

This happend recently
today is my ex's birthday and I am engaged with the guy I left him for. i am fighting the urge to call even though we have not spoken since the day I kicked him out. so to fight the urge here i am. happy birthday sorry i left you the way i did.

I know people like this and i know some christians who know better
it bugs me when a lot of Christian people say that people who are gay or bisexual are "not human" or "not normal". I am not not gay but it just bothers me the way people think they can judge others and define what is normal for everyone. Ignorant people suck.

This is my life
I don't trust anybody. After so many broken promises and sullied relationships, I've come to the conclusion that the only person I can trust is myself. Sure there are some people who have like 80% of my trust but no one has my full 100% trust

I like everything . . . but i hang out with them because the accept me
I love music...
it's what I live for...

but I can't find my niche to save my life.

I hang out with all these scene kids, and feel so inadequate.
I'm not cool enough to be around any of them...
yet they all accept me.

the punks, the skinheads, the hardcore kids, the rudes... everyone in between.
they all think that I'm one of them...
they let me slip in and out of their ranks, listen to my opinons and actually give a shit about what I think about their music and cultures...
they know I don't claim one genre, one scene... and they're all okay with that...

I feel like I should be shot for corrupting them... for even pretending to be one of them.
I'm still that same geek that was too scared to make eye contact with them back in middle school.

I don't know if this is making sense to anyone but me... maybe it's because I actually care about the music and the beliefs and not the fashion that they keep me around.

I just feel like I don't belong... I'm not cool enough for any of them...

My time at dominican
at least back home all the two-faced, lying, plastic motherfuckers admitted to it, instead of calling themselves your friend and fucking you around whle sweetly batting their eyelashes. On some days i could just pack my shit and go and not give one single shit about anyone or anything i left behind.

But there isn't anything at the old place worth going back to.

What if this happens to Manny?
i ran into an old roommate of mine with his new fiance. she told me that she was an executive secretary but i had a feeling that i knew her from somewhere. it took me a little while to place the face but it came to me. she had been one of the strippers at another buddys bachelor party. i didnt recognize her at first because she was the one giving blowjobs in the bathroom while the other 2 girls were doing this sick lesbian show in the main room. as i recall that was the best $10 i ever spent
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