(no subject)

May 03, 2005 23:37

Gooood morning-o. Warm bread rolls are god. Seriously, they're lush. An-y-way. Sunday was good, I went to this local band festival with my friends.. the bands were crap though (one group did a cover of Taking Back Sunday, sounded like they were on speed haha) so we left after like an hour and just hung around town.

Luke was there with his new girlfriend. Who's in year 9. We're in year 11. Eww. What's really sad is she looks older than us all haha, damnit.

Had yesterday off school which was fab. Love long weekends. I didn't actually do anything, just lazed around really. I must've done SOMETHING interesting.. hmmm. Oh I started a new book, it's called 'Boy Meets Boy', it's good. It's about 2 gay boys (obviously) and just their story, their pasts.. stuff like that. I think my parents are a bit iffy about it, they probably think it's some sign that I'm lesbian or something..it's quite funny.
Oh I remember what else I did, I painted! Wooo! I go for ages with artists block then sudden have a flash of inspiration. For your viewing pleasure:

School today was boooring. But there's less than a month left, so that makes it more bearable. It's strange saying that though.. the whole "I'm leaving and doing my GCSE's which stick with me for the rest of my life in like 3 weeks" thing hasn't quite sunk in. Meep.

I had a whole 5 glorious minutes of perving on the extreeeemely hot I.T technician today in maths, hoorah! He was doing.. something so I just sat and stared. I am SUCH a stalker. Then all my mates were like “OH CLAIRE THE GUY YOU FANCY THE PANTS OFF IS THERE!” and “HEY YOU, I.T GUY, THAT GIRL IN THE CORNER RIGHT THERE REALLY FANCIES YOU”. I’m surrounded by maturity, I really am.

I shaved my legs tonight. I am one smooth girl. Oh yes, be proud.

I’m going now.
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