
Jul 15, 2005 14:05

I have been foreced to update..
not really just suggested to do so.
so i thought i'd give it a shot.
sometimes i don't like to write down whats been happening b.c
1- i can't always remember
and 2- it has less meaning when you can't keep it all inside your head.
and b.c my memory will be shot for about a week longer, i'll just put random events down, b.c i do not remember dates right now.

Mom's surprise pary, big fun, drunk cousins and uncles and aunts. my family can't dance to save their lives. they look ike they're in an ocean drowning. it's still great fun to watch.
Bryan left, i was sleeping but he came in a yelled into my ear that he was leaving. big brothers are great ahah. so i faced him, sat up alittle, eyes still closed, gave hima hug and told him i'd miss him, the literally fell back asleep. I'm glad he came home, it was like he wasn't even going to afghanistan in less than a year. Which may have been part of the fighting that we did, but we get over it, and if not we ignore it.

Got my boarting liscence with Cari, was fun....NOT. that class was worse than sitting through double periods. It was boring and the man talked about his weight more than he talked about a boat. and after each lesson it was like there was a story time. he would draw out a one time expirience either about himbeing in the navy or boarding some stoopid boat. idk, cair made it fun, and the food was great. I heart small neighborhoods with old people. there's always something to eat. and the cookie fairy paid me a couple of visoits so all was well.

Haven't hung out with as many people as i'd planned. shows me not to plan for next summer.

Camps coming. I'm thrilled. a ful week of full relax time mixed with a couple of MIA brothers and everything is peachy.

brain power- still shot.
until next time,
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