Feb 02, 2004 13:40
Cards on the table - I'm pro Euthanasia.
Because unlike the majority of these pro life hippies I actually know what its like to be the disabled person they fought to keep alive because "life is beautiful and killing is wrong".
That’s a real fluffy way of justifying bringing someone into the world who will have to endure relentless struggles till the day they die because they have a circumstantial condition.
Condemned the day your born to "special needs" ON TOP of all the day to day normal obstacles life throws at you.
They have no idea what they're in for while developing in that whom, but as the adult, the mother, you do. It is the parents' responsibility to step out side their overwhelming desire to have a child or their guilt that they're taking a potential life and realize what pain they're about to inflict on this being for 70-80 years by conceiving them.
ALSO I don't understand why people aren't more concerned about overpopulation. Its proven the more condensed a populous, the higher the crime rate. We've got dysfunctional people procreating raising dysfunctional, numb generations. How is this beneficial to anyone?
Although, in Ashly World you’re permitted a certain number of abortions in a span of time and if you go over this number you are then fixed or possibly castrated.
They want kids later on? OK They can adopt. We need to care for the children who are already here.
ADOPTION - this tends to be pro life activists' solution to everything.
Rather than aborting a fetus, it is far better to bring them into a world where they will be bounced from one foster home to another for 18 years, or go through identity crises longing for their origins, or becoming chromic liars from the lack of stability, let alone all the propaganda on how important one's blood mother and father are. Then theres the ongoing quest to find their parents, which may or may never happen and when it does, will they be welcomed or abandoned a second time?
This is just a small tangent to help keep adoption in perspective.