Aug 11, 2008 22:51

Thanks so much to Alex (Dr, McSurgeon) for this banner!

Okay, my journal is now becoming Friends Only. Why, you might ask?

Because I might want to write about stuff that I don't want any random person to access....I want to have more control over who can see what I'm writing!

- Leave a comment about how I know you (whether it's a forum, etc) and I'll probably friend you! 
- However, if you only want to friend me just to have more friends, why bother?
- If we have some of the same interests, and you tell me what those are, then I'll be more likely to add you.
- Don't just add me and assume I'll add you back; comment here, too.
- If I don't add you back, it doesn't mean I don't like you; don't take it personally. Some of my entries I just might not want you to read!


friends only

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