omg i totally fell out with rosie today - she's doing my head in!
she knows i read her livejournal so last night she did this whole entry completly slagging me and olivia off knowing that we'd see it - then today she was acting completly normal and asked me why i wasnt talking to her and i said 'well you dont wanna be asociated with a 'snob' do you?' and she went bright red and strung along some line about she dosent want any comments by snobs. so then i was really angry with her for saying all that stuf so i stormed of and told livvy that she'd ben slagging us of and we both fell out with her and now she's doing the whole 'dramatic effect' thing and sayinbg all the 'you dont know what ive been through' line - why is it everybody seems to be 'going through shit' its just so retarded - i know im not the perfect example of somebody who's pulled herself together but atleast im not practicly admiting my sory story to everybody around me
click here for the entry