wow...Jesus Christ so much happened yesterday I can't even begin...I'll
tell you tomorrow ^_~ But since I'm an evil fuck I stole this from
Allyn because I have to say something...
Fourteen friends:
1. Rachael
2. Kayla
3. Harry
4. Natalie
5. Ashley
6. Luaren
7. Katie
8. Leah
9. Sarah J
10. Arianna
11. Spencer...even though I rarely talk to him
12. Natasha R.
13. Lindsay B
14. Someone else from camp...up for grabs!
Thirteen random things you like:
1. Music
2. Movies
3. acting
4. laughing..really hard
5. hugs
6. anime
7. friends
8. stand up comedy
9. manga
10. Drowning Scarlett
11. rain
12. day dreaming
13. stoners/stoner movies
Twelve movies:
1. Bubble Boy
2. Half Baked
3. Gogman
4. Jay and Silent Bob
5. White Oleander
6. Office Space
7. the AAF movie on the second disc...
8. Ringu/The Ring
9. Akira
10. Monty Python: The Meaning of Life
11. All LOTR and HP
12. Anything by Michael Moore
Eleven good bands/artists:
2. The Cure
3. Greenday
4. Blink 182 (old)
5. Taking Back Sunday
6. Weezer
7. Grateful Dead
8. Led Zepplin
9. Pink Floyd. Trippy yo
10. Postal Service
11. Beastie Boys.
Ten things about you....physically:
1. Brown Hair.
2. 5'9ish
3. Blue eyes
4. Glasses
5. GIANT FUCKING FEET. I'm like a mens...
6. Freakishly deep dimples
7. Also giant nose
8. Virtually no freckles, but I have a mole
9. I hate my legs
10. Albino fucking pale
Nine favorite brands:
1. Dickies
2. Vans
3. Levis
4. Converse?
5. Dickies
6. Anything-
7. Used-
8. Or-
9. Cheap
Eight favorite foods/drinks:
1. Chicken
2. Ramen
3. Fries
4. Ice Blended Mochas
5. Crosants
6. Bagels
7. Bannanas
8. Burgers
Seven things that you wear daily:
1. glasses
2. something on my wrist
3. something on my neck
4. shirt
5. shoes
6. pants
7. "lady" things...
Six things that annoy you:
1. Ashlee Simpson
2. my grandmother
3. Brittany Spears
4. Jessica Simpson
5. Snobs
6. most likely you
Five things you touch everyday:
1. bed
2. necklace
3. hair
4. shoes
5. glasses
Four shows you watch:
1. Comedy Central Presents...
2. Reno911
3. Southpark
4. Last Comic Standing
Three celebrities you have a crush on:
2. Deputy Junior ^^
3. Nick Swardson
Two people on livejournal that you have kissed:
1. I haven't gotten my first kiss yet
2. *points up*
One person you could spend the rest of your life with:
1. ....Honestly I don't know any more...