Dec 25, 2004 15:44
Well with that title i bet u mgiht have thought that my christmas was exciting... well it was just like the past few years... lots of fun but nothing that stuck out. I mean my friends seem to have had more exciting Christmas' then i did. At least they had fun! i mean i love my family (they are so awesome) but it's the same old thing every year. But this year Emma (my cousin Dan's baby) could talk and walk and of course we were all laughing and awwing at her. lol But i got some great gifts and guess what... MORE CONVERSES! cuz everyoen knows i don't have enough! lol and i got 2 more hoodies! and of course some money from my grandparetns, a girt card to Express from my cousin Bridget, and a gift certificate to the mall from my mom and dad... and of course i'll probably blow all my money within an hour! Of course my cousin amy is bringing me shopping with her on friday (i think) so of course i'll probably spend it all then. Hmm... but what to get Cleta for her b-day... hmm... well i'll have to think about that one.
Well i don't kno what else to say except y is life so boring? at least mine is... but i kno it would be worst without my girls! Sharin, Maira, Alicia, and Erin, they make it so much more fun and interesting. Sharin understands me so well and she's there for me. Great times hiding from the ghost in ur bathroom! Thanks for being there for me when i've needed it most.. and i'm always here for you. maira and i go wayyyyy back all the way to kindergarden! and of curse along the way i messed up the friendship but she put up with me enough for us to manage to still be tight! Thanks for not blocking me out and alowing me to have another chance.. it means so much to me that we're still so close and Alicia, god this summer was awesome! u were the one person hu knew derek so talking to u really help me! and u always keep me laughing. How did my hair taste anyway? lol and Erin, well we haven't been friends long but already so many memories. George... only u me and maira would really understand his importance! and the sexy face! OMG it's so awesome! I can go to you guys for anything and not feel stupid. You make me feel like i'm special in some way! Thank you guys for being here! BRING ON THE NEW YEAR I'M READY FOR IT!