Mar 27, 2005 14:29

well it's easter and it's just another boring day. I'm wishing i had someone to call but it is easter and i kno maira is not home and jake is away... and then i dunno what everyone else is doing lol. so i'm hoping that i will be going to see my cousins (amy, danny, jason) i doubt it tho. and of course no one is online and i should just do hw so i don't have to do it later but i'm a lazy bum! lol it's really nice out at the moment but it's gonna rain. I'm in a bad mood all around i think... like nto a horrible mood just a "don't talk to me" kind of mood. Wow this is such a random post like it has no meaning to it lol.

if anyone wants to make my day excitingthey can call me at home because that's where i'll be lol. ughwell i guess i'll talk about what was kind of exciting this weekend.

lizipoo slept over sat night and we watched movies. And she fell asleep at 10:30 and 5 min later she was up and she thought it was like midnight! lol u had to be there tho to get y it's so funny. i just ahve one thing to say to liz "wanan go outside?' haha ur stupid liz but i love u. and then jake called because he wanted to say good bye ebfore he left on his cruise (god i need warmth!) but we didn't talk long cuz lizipoo was over and i didn't wanna ignore her. and then we eventually went to bed and seh like slept on my feet basically lol and then jake called in the morning to say good-bye and lizipoo and i watched anotehr movie then we made lunch and she went home.

now i'm pretty bored... maira made me laugh last night but i forgot what she said so i can't repeat it lol but i was litterally laughingfor like 34768476074579646557658 hours... MAIRA IF U REMEMBER THEN TELL ME! lol i was so tired last night so i went to bed at like 10:30! lol but w/e lol ...well g2g

<3> (haha maira)
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