Aug 08, 2003 11:19
WOW i havent updated in a while!...
tuesday-did the usual (wake up and go on the computer), then i waited til 3 then went to conditioning, and then went to michelles after and hung out wit sean james alison michelle chantelle and brittany and marisa, then i came home cme on the puter then went to bed!
wednesday-did the usual (wake up and go on the comuputer), then went to michelles fer an hour, then had to go to conditioning at 3, then i came home talked to ppl on the puter, then i went to the movies wit marisa michelle alison frankie chantelle james keven and brittany, id say the ride home was the best part of the whole day! lol ask any of them it was fun!! lol!!
thursday- did the usual (wkae up and go on the computer), then sat around til 3, went to conditioning and did all the stuff, and then i got all my football equipment, then i came home and matt wanted to go to the mall again, so i went wit him and jarrod, we met shannon up there, then we went to see a movie 2FAST 2FURIOUS (i saw that wed. and thur.) its a great movie you gotta go see it! when we were in there ryan and halden came and then after the movie i came home and talked online and then went to bed!
thats been my week soo far!
meanwhile this whole time i been missin samantha, and when she comes home i wont get to see her cuz im leavin fer cedar point!...grr!! :-(
well im out!
I<3 my samantha!
can you haul in the winning touchdown?!?!?!