Feb 10, 2004 17:18
Hmm ...
As most of you have probably noticed, I haven't been updating as often.
Why? You ask?
Because I didn't feel like it.
Sure, things have happened in my life. I have some new stories, new rants, new thoughts to ponder, but I just haven't had the urge to actually sit and write anything down. Life at Hogwarts has been getting very busy lately. I have been receiving perfect grades on all of my assignments however, though, that shouldn't come as a shock to anyone.
You know, everyone here automatically assumes that the dungeons are the coldest place of the entire castle, and ... I will admit, they can get rather chilly, (especially during Potions class in the winter) but, I find I am often warmer in my common room than I am up here. It's bloody freezing in here. My fingers are numb, and I have my shirt pulled down as far down over them as possible with me still being able to type. I hate these months. January, February, and March. Who likes those months? Oh, and that was rhetorical, I'm not looking for any - 'I do!' posts, because frankly, I don't care. I despise them and that is that. It's alway so ... grey outside. So overcast and cloudy, and snowy and damp and ... I mean, the weather here isn't always sunny, and I'm not especially fond of the summer either, (too hot) but it could at least be fall. You know, when you don't have to look as though you've gained fifty pounds before you head outside. My cloak is highly fashionable, and it is warm, but if I have a class outdoors I still have to put on an extra sweater beneath my robes, and an extra pair of socks. Father had bought me a nice pair of leather gloves, but Mother insists I put on another pair atop those if I do have to go outside. Seeing as though she doesn't often pop up in the middle of my classes to check my mittens, I could just leave the extra pair in my trunk, but she has that ... Mother's ... intuition thing. She would know if I wasn't putting them on.
My point is, I hate this weather. It's almost ... depressing in a way. You wake up to grey, eat your meals beneath a grey, cloudy sky, then go sit in classes to stare out a window ... at even more grey, just incase you hadn't had enough already. Christmas is 'jolly' and whanot, and you get parcels and all that, but what the hell does January and February have to offer? Oh, and if you say 'Valentines day' I will de-friend you before you can say 'love'. There's no such thing as love. Love is the body's natural, chemical reaction to reproduce, and chocolate is simply an aphrodisiac clever boyfriends use to get their 'in love' girlfriends in the sac. Trust me, any bloke would willingly shell out a few knuts and sickles to pick a girl up a box of chocolate and a card, the payoff is very much worth it, right? Right. Just think about it, you'll see my point.
Anyways, my hands are cold, I want to be sat in front of the fire in the common room again. So, I'll end this entry now. I do have a request though, I'm not certain if anyone would be able to do this. Do any of you know how to ... make the whole background of the journal black ... and have a picture of me, (black and white of course, which I would select because I don't trust your judgment) kind of ... blended into one side? Am I making sense? I don't know how to bloody explain these computer ... things ... Basically, I'm sick of my layout on this journal, and want a new one. I was going to go for a new header, all blended and black and white photos of me, but I have no idea how to go about making one, so I thought this new idea might look rather nice if one of you happened to know how to do such a thing.
Oh yes. One last thing.
Crabbe. Goyle. You are not funny. Your jokes do not make you laugh, and the look of repulsion on my face when you stick parsley in your nostrils should not be mistaken for one of amusement. Are we clear now?