Yes, I am still alive, do not fret. I have just been very busy as of late. I've returned to Hogwarts you see, so I won't be updating as often as usual. However, I did come across this little survey in
harryp0tter's journal, and I thought I could make it far more interesting, so here it goes.
[[FIRST & MIDDLE NAME:]] Draco, and that is all you need to know. My Mum knows my middle name, and that's how I like it.
[[NICKNAMES:]] Mal ... foy? I don't know, I don't really have a nickname. Charlotte calls me 'bunny' but that doesn't give anyone else permission to refer to me as that.
[[HAIR COLOR:]] Blonde, silver blonde, white blonde? I don't know, but it's blonde.
[[HAIR LENGTH:]] Perfect.
[[EYE COLOR:]] Grey ... blue? They've been described as cold, so I suppose they are a cold blue.
[[HEIGHT:]] Tall enough. I don't really know, but I'm not short. Though ... hanging around Crabbe and Goyle does tend to make one feel rather short, I know I'm not.
[[WEIGHT:]] I'm slim, but I'm not quite certain of my actual weight. Besides, it would be in stones, and most of the people who read this are American, so you wouldn't get it anyways.
[[BIRTHDAY:]] October 30th, and yes, I do expect presents.
[[LOCATION:]] Hogwarts at the moment.
[[SHOE SIZE:]] Not as big as Weasels', that bloke's a freak.
[[ZODIAC SIGN:]] Scorpio.
[[SIBLINGS:]] None. I'd also like to take a bit of Potter's answer here and re-state that I said NONE. So all of you fanfiction retards who give me a little sister can shove it.
[[PETS:]] An owl of course.
[[THINK YOU ARE ATTRACTIVE:]] Of course not. I am far better looking than that. Attractive? Please.
[[SHAVE:]] I have soft cheeks, we'll leave it at that.
[[LIKE SITCOMS:]] *blank stare* Sit ... whats? No, they ... he ... it sounds lame.
[[HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND:]] No, I haven't met anyone who meets my standards.
[[THINK YOUR STYLE/FASHION IS COOL:]] Is this question a joke?
[[HAVE ANY PIERCINGS:]] Of course not, natural holes are enough for me thank you.
[[DO DRUGS:]] No, those are for rock stars and hippies.
[[DRINK:]] Well, at parties and social gatherings.
[[HAVE SEX:]] What business of yours is that? Who wrote this quiz? My Mother reads this journal you pervert.
[[SMOKED:]] No, I like my teeth white and my lungs not matching my clothes.
[[DRANK:]] I believe I already answered this.
[[GOTTEN DRUNK:]] *sigh*
[[WENT BUNJEE JUMPING:]] Bunjee whating?
[[HAD A CRUSH ON A TEACHER:]] Of course not.
[[BROKE THE LAW:]] Hmm ...
[[RAN FROM THE COPS:]] The whats?
[[LAUGHED:]] ...
[[BEEN SARCASTIC:]] No, never.
[[CRIED:]] I'll steal Potter's answer again and reply with of course. You cry when you're born, and if you don't, you die, so everyone on this planet has cried. What a bloody stupid question.
[[WANTED TO DIE:]] Why would I want to die?
[[BEEN SCARED TO HALF DEATH:]] To half death?
[[STOLE ANYTHING:]] Finders keepers.
[[TOUCHED THE OPPOSITE SEX'S PRIVATE PARTS:]] Again, my Mother might read this! Really now.
[[MADE YOURSELF THROW UP:]] I did when I was little and didn't want to eat something. Works a charm.
[[THOUGHT ABOUT OR TRIED TO KILL YOURSELF:]] Only ugly people do that.
[[WENT SKINNY DIPPING:]] Did a fangirl write this?
[[BEEN IN LOVE:]] No, love is simply the bodies natural reaction to reproduce.
[[SAID "I LOVE YOU" AND DID NOT MEAN IT:]] I've never said it, so no.
[[GOTTEN INTO A FIGHT WITH YOUR PET:]] ... If my pet tried to fight with me, it would no longer be my pet, it would be dead. Does this answer your question?
[[STALKED SOMEONE:]] No, but I have been stalked.
[[BLUE:]] Blood.
[[SOCKS:]] Feet.
[[MIRROR:]] Hello!
[[CRACKER:]] Wizard.
[[COW:]] Millicent.
[[FRANCE:]] Wine.
[[ZINE:]] Er ... I drew a blank.
[[AOL:]] Huh?
[[JELLY:]] Toast.
[[FISH:]] Ing.
[[WROTE YOU A NOTE:]] My Mother probably.
[[CALLED YOU:]] Called me what? No one calls me any names, they know I'd win.
[[KISSED YOU:]] My Mum, lol.
[[HUGGED YOU:]] My Mum ... again.
[[EMAILED YOU:]] I don't have an e-mail.
[[TOLD YOU THEY LOVE YOU:]] Nobody has ever told me they loved me.
[[WAS MEAN TO YOU:]] No one, who would have the nerve to be mean to me?
[[SAID THEY HATED YOU:]] No one hates me. They like to pretend they do, but really they're just jealous.
Seven things that scare you:
1. Being hit really, really hard in the face with something ... hard, and winding up looking like Crabbe.
2. Hippogriffs ... shut up, it hurt.
3. I don't know, not a lot scares me really.
4. My Father? That's more intimidation though.
5. My Mother. You haven't seen her mad.
6. Dirt. I used to crawl with my arse in the air so I didn't get my knees dirty.
7. I don't know, Azkaban?
Seven things you love:
1. Myself. That may sound conceited, and it may be, but you're really all you have, so your life will inevitably suck if you hate yourself, because hey, you can't just walk away.
2. I don't love a lot of things, love it too strong a word.
3. My Mum?
4. Hmm ... money, I like money.
5. When people fall. They just look so funny, I love it.
6. A comfortable bed.
7. And ... myself again.
Seven things you hate:
1. Potter.
2. Weasley.
3. Granger.
4. Hippogriffs.
5. Stupidity.
6. Fangirls, (though this kind of applies to 'stupidity')
7. Fake laughter.
Seven things in your room:
1. A bed ...
2. Sheets?
3. Pillows.
4. A mirror.
5. A Slytherin flag.
6. My trunk.
7. A desk? I don't know, this was a lame question.
Seven random facts about you:
1. I actually can stick out my tongue and touch it to my nose. Take that Potter.
2. When I was a baby I used to prefer being naked, so I would take off all of my clothes and run around starkers. Yes, I have grown out of the habit.
3. I sleep on my stomach.
4. I can sing.
5. I can speak and understand French.
6. I have never lost a verbal fight in my entire life.
7. I can raise my right eyebrow, but not the left.
Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. I don't know ...
2. Umm ...
3. Umm ...
4. Umm ...
5. Maybe get married? I'd like to have some kids actually, but not babies, bloody hell I hate babies.
6. ...
7. Beat Potter at Quidditch.
Seven things you can do:
1. I can do anything better than you, (hence the icon)
2. Potions.
3. Insult people.
4. Be mean?
5. Give a dirty look.
6. I can play Quidditch, and I have won every match, besides the ones with perfect Potter.
7. Spend money.
Seven Things You Can't Do:
1. Take criticism. I know I spelt that wrong, and I don't care.
2. Pretend to like a person I hate. I stole this answer too, but now it's mine.
3. Control my temper. Again, I stole.
4. I can't admit when I'm wrong.
5. Be nice. I'm very bad at that.
6. I can't not laugh when someone falls, lol.
7. Take my boxers off without removing my trousers first?
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. First of all, Potter is a liar. Liar. He didn't put 'breasts' so he lied.
2. Their personality. They have to be able to keep up a conversation.
3. Their faces. So what if I'm shallow, it's the truth.
4. Again I stole, but I like how they smell.
5. Eyes? I don't know, I like how they do their make-up.
6. Hair?
7. Legs.
Top Seven things you say/type the most:
1. I snort derisively at people, would that count? Because I do that a lot.
2. Mhm.
3. Yeah.
4. I don't know, you would have to ask the people around me.
5. Er ...
6. *smirk* I smirk a lot.
7. *sneer* I do that a lot too.
So that is all for now, I will see all of you soon hopefully.