Mar 27, 2004 20:42
You know what?
I am bloody sick and tired of religions. I know that this post is going to loose me basically my entire 'Friend' list, but I could care less. The people who choose to un-friend me will only be proving my point. That point being that religion causes far more problems than it solves.
A religion is an opinion, so why the hell are there so many people throwing their damned religions into other people's faces? Religion isn't even a big part of the Wizarding world, but I've seen enough on LiveJournal alone to know that religion in the Muggle world is a load of tosh.
It's even in your government. How pathetic is that? It's like a 'holy' dictatorship. Some not only dictate who a person can marry, but what you can and cannot eat, how often you can get laid - oh, and you can kill someone, just as long as you repent. What the hell is, well, hell for then? Is it really only me? Am I the only one having this massive brain cramp, the only one who can see how sodding stupid religion is?
You're probably wondering why I even care, and I'll get into that now. Religion against magic? Oh, right.
Muggles burned women on stakes for years because they were tipped off that they were a 'witch'. Did brains not develop until after the 1800's in Muggles? Honestly.
'Hark! A witch! She can turn people into toads and make a broom fly - but there is no way that she will be able to escape after I tie her to a piece of wood with rope.'
Did they truly not see that two neighbouring women could simply have a tiff, and all one would have to do is call 'witch' and there, problem solved, no more annoying neighbour to deal with now, because hey, she's ashes. If they were out of firewood, they'd just toss her into a lake. Um, okay. How many Muggle women did they murder before they realised that their whole 'plan' was rather -
And let me get this straight. God doesn't mind if you nail some bloke to a cross but I'm going straight to hell because I can brew a Potion?
And people wonder why I hate Muggles.
Oh, and before you run off to post about why your religion is brilliant and holy, sod off, I have no interest in hearing it. A religion is only an opinion. No one is right, and no one is wrong. So stop being so bloody high and righteous because out of the plethora of religions out there, you think yours is the right one.
You'll die, you'll turn into compost. You're not going to go 'to the light' and see your little dog Skippy who died when you were four. Get over it. Drink, shag, swear and lie. We'll all wind up in the same place in the end, so why not enjoy it while you're here?
And hey, there always is the possibility I'm wrong - yeah right, and, if I am, just repent! Apparently the guy in charge will forgive you for anything, so there's no point in behaving really.
Come to think of it, there's no point in religion besides giving people false hope that everything will be okay in the end. Have any of you women even bothered to read the bloody bible? You're willing to live your life following a book written and re-written and re-written again by a bunch of men who claimed someone was speaking to them?
What really makes me shirty is the fact invisible people running off ten commandments in your head is considered fine and okay, but the ability to fly a broomstick is just too weird. Mm, I see the logic.
Oh - and ghosts don't exist of course! No no. We musn't believe in things that we don't understand/scare us, so we'll just not believe in it because God said so.
Hey! I think I'm getting something from him now ... No, no, it isn't the 11th commandment ...
He ... I'm getting it ... I'm getting it -
He wants you religious psychos to jump off of a bridge.
Right now.
Don't worry about me - I'll burn myself!