Sep 22, 2005 17:22
ok yeah so i dont need a permit for the i start class tomorrow
and um the interview was CRAP. i got there and the lady was like hi
nice to meet you blah blah are you over 18? no? oh...i cant hire you.
but your qualifications are great...blah blah...please come back when
you turn 18...blah blah. *sigh* whhhatever.
so anyway. im super glad that this week is nearly over. ive been
slacking this week. and drawing a bit. today in study hall i started a
drawing...spent 30 mins on it and finished it later thoughout the day.
its my best work yet, unfortunately its really really small. but i
really like it. im proud. and its even better bc its a person. usually
im really bad at people. i think that im going to start drawing more.
esp since i will be taking art this year second semester...
homecoming. not going to be as great as i hoped. spirit week seems to
be all messed up bc the stupid cheerleaders are in charge...they are
taking over SGA. Im about to put out a petition so overthrow mrs
melvin. apparently she called the photography place telling them all
this stupid stuff (lies) about the h/c theme and said that she was the
SGA ADVISOR! wow. someone needs a reality check. *CHEERLEADING COACH is
not equal to SGA ADVISOR* yeeeah. anywho.
i should prolly get to my calc hw
check it out:
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