Aug 20, 2005 05:47
Between the summer love, midnight kisses, the fights, the hellos and goodbyes, the late nights, the drinking, the laughs, the tears, the singing, the dancing, and the time we've wasted, I've learned more than I possibly could in a lifetime this summer. I've finally gained an understanding of what lies ahead. I've learned lessons I can't even put into words, lessons they never taught you in textbooks or Calculus, they're lessons I've learned from all of the mistakes I've made. Actually, some may call them mistakes, but as for me, I wouldn't change a thing. They're what makes me who I am and I'm glad to have found that 'one' which gave me back my initiative and drive to want to be the best, and for realizing that I can't ever be perfect, but I can always be me. The greatest things about this summer weren't the parties, the drinking, or the hookups (although those were all great) but I've learned that it's ohk to mess up, to ask for help, to feel horrible, and that sometimes the things you want the most you CAN'T have. I've learned that sometimes the things we want to forget are the things we NEED to remember, and that the memories, the friendships, and taking chances, are the most important things in the world.