Nov 26, 2004 10:20
I've been so so bizarre lately...I've kind of been in a bad mood, but it got better yesterday. Went out visiting friends of the family. Saw Mikey...Holy Jesus, He's 23...last time I saw him he was like, 18. So me and him were sitting on the couch and he was telling me stories and we were laughing. He showed me pictures on his phone...all these pictures of big blunts and stuff, it was pretty funny...i think hes a bit burnt out, because he just looks at me and goes. "I don't remember any of this." And then we both laughed. Then he taught me how to make these bracelet things, so we were making bracelets and he was like talking in high pitched voice about what a fag he was for making bracelets.
Tonight is the annual Day-After-Thanksgiving Party. Woo-hoo. Should be crazy...houseful of drunken people. And Uncle Martin will be here too.
Wednesday was funny...I went up the street after school. Went to Newport Creamery with Colin and Lauren and Ian, etc., and then I was walking to Papa Ginos, and I saw Marz, but he basically gave me the vibe he didn't want to see me at all, so I walked away and went to go and see Meghan inside. Talked to Jaime for a second, just because he wanted to clarify if me and Marz really had broken up, cause Jaime laughed at him when Marz told him cause he thought he was joking...lmao nice Jaime, nice. Hung out with Meghan, Tarrah, Jehn, and Megan. We were all sitting behind papa ginos, and then Jehn went over to the dumpster and was going to see whats inside...but then Tarrah pushed her in, and there was a bang, lmfao. Then this guy came out yelling at us to get out of the Jehn had to hide inside until he left. Then we all waited at the bus stop, and we were just joking around until the bus came, then me and Jehn went across the street and we were singing in SLipKnot voice about turkeys and coca cola...lmao I love Jehn, she's great.
Sianora a-holes,
Sammi D'Ami