And so, to celebrate the return of Torchwood = )
Which I loved dearly!!!
My review of 2x01:
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Okay, first things lines first…
“Excuse me, have you seen a blowfish driving a sports car?”
“Bloody Torchwood!”
Well we’re off to a good start, and I’m happy! = )
Much love for:
Ianto, “Special Weapons?”
Tosh, “None that I can see.”
Ianto, “Do we need special weapons!”
Quite in character humour, I thought, y/n?
A lot of little things in this episode reminded me or were reminiscent of other things. First example: Gwen: Blowfish! (Cue lean in and look interested!)
Was very “Scooby Doo” to me. I don’t mean in a bad way, I mean, I just thought it felt quite light and entertaining…. But in a sort of Scooby doo mick-take sort of a way. Which considering they were following a blowfish in a sports car, was probably quite good!
Gwen’s hair when they were in that car! I don’t think my hairdresser will ever quite realise how much I want my fringe to look like that!! I think I’ll have to take a picture of it next time to show her…
Owen! Oh Owen! Hated you for half of series one. Why do I like you again?
Ohhh! Well when you blew the top of the gun after you shot the wheels out, that might be it =)
I think this might just have been me… but I found it quite entertaining that after the blowfish made the ‘teacher’s pet’ analogy (and there’s a sentence I never thought I’d use!), they cut to Owen in a top that reminded me muchly of a school shirt. Although I think this may just have been me!
The focus switches on Ianto’s close-up holding the gun reminded me a lot of when he was threatening to shoot Owen in 1x12. Nice little call-back.
And Ianto’s reaction shot after Jack shot? That was brilliant! “wtf? Did I do that???” He did get a fair few good reaction shots I thought!!
Oh, and is it ever definitively said how long Jack was gone for?
Ianto: “Are you going back to him?”
Jack: “I came back for you…. [long pause!] All of you.”
And the Janto shipper in me just exploded = )
Owen: “Did he fix you?”
Jack: “What’s to fix? You don’t mess with this level of perfection!”
I loved that! Felt proper Old!Jack ! But then, it was completely awful timing!!!
James Marsters? Can I just say, having never watched Buffy (I know…) I was absolutely dreading his character. BUT I was sooo pleasantly surprised! I don’t generally like people who are well known for stuff I haven’t seen (hehe that’s not shallow =b) but he defied this rule!
That was one gorgeous outfit! Was it Adam Ant’s old gear? I think we’ve found his muse! Those boots were quite something!! (Being a fan of Robin Hood, I’ve taken to checking character’s shoes far too much!!)
I liked his introduction, because he came across as a goody, defying evil… but not quite right. It felt like he was doing good stuff the wrong way, if I’m making sense there?
And was that extra he was talking to an Orlando Bloom look-a-likey?
P.C. Andy! Oh I have missed you! And your little sarcastic ways!
And thanks to skew_whiff, Andy/Rhys is becoming slashy!
“I was hoping for a power struggle resolved by a bit of naked wrestling!”. Y’see, that’s the old!Jack I wanted last series! Just not the right timing now!! (Am I ever happy!) (Of course I am! I love torchwood! And if I ever I complain, it’s all because I love it enough to care! *nods*)
“That *never* beeps.” Observant there Ianto! I rather think you’ve been paying far too much attention to watches. Stopwatches, wristwatch-esque things….
“Help me Obi Wan! You’re my only hope!”. Why do I have so much love for this line? Oh yes, that was because, basically, it was fantastic!
“*whistle* TAXI!!” Initiative-taking!Ianto! That’s what I want to see = )
The Jack/John kiss…. In a way, I really wish I hadn’t seen it in the trailer. I think it might havemade that moment more of a surprise. But then again, I think it worked well in the trailer clip…
I’d *love* to know what that taxi driver was thinking!! I suppose it’s something to add to his cabby stories! … unless he was promptly retconned!
“It is more fun when he’s around though.” Well said. I don’t think any of us could have put that better ourselves! Go Ianto! You’re actually getting a witty *part* so far! And actual character!! = )
“I bet the ranks were very grateful.” My mind shouldn’t have gone there *before* he said that!!!
“God he’s worse than Jack!” What everyone’s thinking!
“Torchwood. Oh dear!” You know, as a stand-alone team name… I have to agree! Although I’ve never really thought about it before, he’s right, bikini cops would have been a better name…
“We were partners.”
“In what way?”
“In every way. And then some.”
Oh. And the Janto shipper in me just died =(
I thought that wife-y banter was quite funny, I have to admit!
“I was a good wife!”
”I bet you were!” wtf? Tosh got balls? Really? Okay then…
Wrist-strap size arguments? That was fantastic! Chibnall really did spoil us with a fair few laugh out loud moments!
Right… so…. If we were having a list of Time Agency Requirements, I would go with:
Innuendo ridden
Amazing clothes
Trademark jacket
What else can we add to the list??
“You live in a sculpture. Could you *be* any more pretentious?”
That line was made of win!
But don’t diss the hub, CJHart!
Did Ianto seriously just take that guy’s weapons off him on a silver platter?
You have no idea how much I LOVE that!!!!
Very Jeeves hehe.
The reaction shot after ‘two weapon man’ was absolutely great!!!
Slightly over jealous over the whole engagement there Jack!
“Well. No one else will have me.” How romantic that is =b
But I would love to see Rhys’ proposition after that description!!!
“Vera.” Classic! And a classic eye-roll-reaction-shot there, Ianto!
Feet of that table Cap’n John! Ianto has his eye on you… get any mud on that table… and he won’t put any milk in your coffee!! (which isn’t an innuendo!...)
Overhead shots of Cardiff! How I’ve missed you! The trademarks of torchwood!
Paralysing lipgloss? Does this remind me more of sonic!lipstick, or Owen’s alien body spray? Who knows?
“… in all this tut.” Owen? Did you actually just say that?? Wha??
Owen: “You beauty!”
No Tosh, love, not you!
‘The palace under the pavement’. Gotta admit, that does have a ring to it!
Annoyed Ianto. Oh, he loves you really! (Says my now fragile Janto heart!)
“Sir.” Yes, please drop the sir thing! Yes, please be boyfriends! Yes, please!
Asked out Ianto all unsure!
Hands on hips! How I’ve missed you too!
And just for princesslaurelin, oh the eyes!!
“Some fetishes should be kept to yourself.” Now, seriously, of all of them to have an office fetish, it’d be Ianto, y/n?
“Good on roofs”. Hehe… loves!
“Is that a yes?”
“YES……… yes….” Haha! ‘Oh, yeah… I’m so offhand, that was just a casual ‘yeh’.. no I did *not* reply to hastily! No, yeah, we’re cool, yeah…”
“ *lift!ping* ”… way to ruin a surprise entrance!!
“Eye candy”?!? Did you really just call him that?? TWICE???
“Going down eye candy. Yes please.” See, times like this that, without the sinisterness, it really is just old!Jack, y/n?
Are we really sure it was necessary for Owen’s trousers to be undone?
They are some mighty fine cheekbones, Mr James Marsters!
“I need some more painkillers!”.
Seriously thought Ianto was reaching into his pocket for them! Wouldn’t be surprised if he did have some though… Little Mister Prepared For Anything = )
Marsters putting together that little triangle:
“Why yes, I do enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.”
Why did I love it so much when Owen said ‘Cap’n” in his own little way? Well I did!
Ianto’s orgy-consideration reaction shot face! Fan-bleedin-tastic!!!
Stopwatch! Yep… my Janto shippery side just melted!
“Always at the ready *smile”. Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic =b
Right… just so I know… for future reference… what was the problem with…. Cutting his hand off? And then pushing him through the rift… I mean… if he’s gonna exlode anyway? Really? None of em thought of that?
Or is there a logical reason for not doing this I may have missed?
Oh Ianto! All panicked with your stopwatch. Oh I do love you! That’s it… you just keep shouting out the time… just incase they forget it’s an emergency!
Haha it’s a poodle! Ohh… yep, omnisexual, definitely! That’d be a fic and a half… probably resulting in therapy? Or institutionalisation?
“Trust me, I’m a doctor an improviser.” Mucho-mucho-love-o!
See another bit reminiscent of my other fve programmes… properly had a ‘House’ moment (and not in the torchwood bingo sense!) when he got stabbed through the heart with their d.n.a..
Like Ianto’s not jealous on that second kiss!!
The clothes were ratherly nice in that little preview!
ooh and also, just a quick thing, is that a preview for next ep or for the whole series? I wasn’t sure =s
And I’m sure I know the ‘you always remember what you’ve killed, don’t you Jack” guy from somewhere??
Favourite (of many) Ianto moments: “And I thought the end of the world couldn’t get any worse!”.
Well. I’m probably just far too happy torchwood’s back to make proper decisions yet. But I loved it.
And I think Ianto is giving Jack a run for his money in ‘favourite character’ stakes after this episode!
More like this, please?