Sunny days....

Oct 31, 2006 09:27

As I was standing outside this morning drinking an energy drink and praying it would help me get through the day, as my energy always seems to be on the low side, I thought back to a few years ago, pre-child, to the endless amounts of energy I seemed to have.  However, in reality, I never had the energy, I just drank too much coffee or whatever else that could give me a bit of a boost and that's how I made it through my days.  Making it through any day now is an accomplishment.

With the onset of the cold weather, despite yesterday's wonderful warmth, I find myself getting a little introspective....ok ok I am always introspective, but more so than usual during the cold months.  I've been trying to figure out the best way I can avoid the winter duldrums....I always get into a real nasty funk during winter, seasonal depression it's called- provided it stays sunny though, I'll be ok.

The issues presently eating at me are the amount of work I need complete before semester's end....I swear my marketing research class is going to be the death of me and how I am going to handle my depression.

Once I get that figured out I suppose I'll post again.
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