May 22, 2006 14:50
Talking to Dan and Greg. Dan about constantly being happy and Greg about nonsense that is nothing but everything too. Its strange. I like strange. In my country mood. I'm weird with music. And I like that too. Talking to Dan now about going out drinking and I know I shouldn't cuz thats bad and if I get caught it will be hell to pay, but part of me wants to mess up and be stupid and be rebellious. and be like haha what now I do mess up and I am a normal kid. Hahaha in your face. But I really know I shouldn't. And it makes me mad cuz Dan always seem to rationalize everything I try to irrationalize. I guess I should be thankful that I have Dan to talk me out of things but man it sucks. But I am thankful. So thank you Dan for being a grown up and telling me that I'm child who needs to be careful. I tell ya I'm about as immature as they come. Now I'm randomly babbling and I don't like that. I'm cold and its like 70 degrees outside. I'm strange. I have to find a tent to borrow for Lisa's graduation party on the 10th. We're going camping! I'm excited. But I have no clue as to how to set up a tent. But thats ok hopefuly I'll figure it out or else I'm sleeping under the stars literally. Oh I'm so excited for graduation and I'm not even graduating!! Stacy's party is Sunday, Dan's is Saturday but I have to close so I won't be able to go so I'm kinda sad, but it'll be ok. You know what I like how when you're AIM it tells you that people are typing and have entered text and so on. I think its cute.