Omg...I never nu i cud luv ne1 this much!

Dec 14, 2004 17:22

Hi peepz...if ne1 actually reads this u better leave a newz 4 1ce...tyler goz wit sum chik nd idk her nd i am mad bcuz he didnt even tell me this until i lukd at his lj...I won the world series in mi video so happy...Julie u need to go out wit steve cuz harry realli duznt lik u...Life is somewhat normal...had a shitload of hw for the week...hate mi im gunna tell u about math 4 1nc...ok the day bgins lik this
Wake up at 300...tired as shit...go bak to sleep...wake up agan at 630 cuz mi mom is bangin on mi door yellin "get ur ass up"...i ignor her as usual...and sleep another ten minutes...get up...shower...go0000t sum clos on...ate coco puffz...nd got a mad awesome iron on shrek word...watched sportscenter until mom was readdi...went to skool...waitd lik ten minutes...triple t-k-a...time to totally kick ass...lmfwao...terrel sed that lik ten timez and sounded just lik them gurlz in way...Social Studiezz...Find out i got a test 2maro...which im goin to fail...and playd sum weak ass game...but it was funny cuz me and mike pissed dorkie off by makin her question rong...long story but im gunna tell it ne way...ok our teamz were tied rite...and it waz like thier third to last the question waz sumthin about sumthin nd the answer was the treaty of paris...but the second 1 me and mike asked her which 1 rite...and she sed the first 1...nd mr mueller didnt giv it to them...lmao...we 1...lean bak mike...lmfwao...
Math...i hte mr barnett...i got an a on mi quiz rite...nd he waz lik u need to learn how to do the steps rite...but joey got a b and didnt get no i waz pissed off...Health...we finished readin the chapter...then mr logue startd on his speech about nuthin agen...i think it was on the importance of noin ur not the worst or the best...w.e...fuk it...ilioz dru all over jammelz notebuk and got yelld at...i ran out of the class cuz i waz lauffin so much...Readin...Got another speech on nuthin xcept from miss gardner...i think she has add cuz she was tlkin about wat the 8th grde is doin the whole time...Science...Nicole isnt mi homie ne more!!!...Worked on the chapter reveiw that im sopposed to b doin rite now...Lunch...Nuttin good happend today...we tlkd about flyz and sex...we r weird...Writin...I dared mike to b gay the rest of the day 4 5 dollars and he did it...he wore alyssa's lip gloss..lmao...what he duznt no is that there is no way in hell im payin him!...(evil laugh)...Computrz...finished mi a loner...lmao alyssa...eagle...did math stuff...what do u kik u...that is ty and dave r fukin crazy...I finally kissd alyssa last happy...l8r...tuk the dog to the vet...hez good...and now here typing this out...

\Random fact of the day- Hannah got her fro shaved..or w.e u want to call lukz the same...only she luks lik the keebler elf...lmao..."i can see clearly now the fro is gone" the fact is that if u ever get a fro...dont shave it or u will luk lik the keebler elf

I luv alyssa more than life in itself...i want to always b wit her...ILU and u 4ever...<3

Dillon Biotch!!
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