Apr 05, 2005 15:52
hey watup ppl?
not much has been up. went 2 c "beauty shop" on sat. saw major ppl @ muvico! the movie was good! fro many it could be referred to as ghetto but hey i liked it 4 that exact reason. i have 2 c Sin City now bc i've been hearing it was good so thats 4 another sat.it was majorly crowded when i got there but it was all good! report cards came out yesterday. wasn't bad bc i already knew what i had. the bad thing was exams! anywayzz...other than that nothings been up. skool is good! trying 4 straight A's next report card. im gonna miss the ppl i kno who r seniors and leaving me! but its all good we'll keep in touch! i've missed my home recently and thinking of my friends. its just a ll a big flop. things just haven't been good in that category! its lyk there not even there anymore. they've left me! but w/e my feinds here r keeping me cool! have u ever wanted to talk 2 some1 but they didn't kno who u were? been having those feelings. i wanna talk to so many but they dont kno me. i dont want it 2 be awkward! things lyk that aren't good! (something 2 think about) other than all of that things have been good!