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Mar 20, 2005 02:13

today was an alright day... i woke up bc of my dog and then i had to let her outside then i signed on and talked to gina while she was at chruch it was so funny..then i went to go clean my room. i cleaned it all out and put all the stuff back..its almost perfectly spotless. then i went outside and played on the ice a little bit. then i came in bc i was starving. i had COOKIE CRISPS...yum!!!!

then when i was cleanin my room someone was IMing me and it was teddy so i came back from away and talked to him..then he went away bc he wanted to make pancakes lol so when he went away i went away which meant i went back to cleaning my room

omg this part is so funny when i was cleaning my room i heard my little brother screm.. so i ran downstairs to c what was happenig...when he was going to get his boots he saw this orange little fluff ball moving [[lmao]] so then he shut the closet door he told me to get the newspaper to kill it so unfortuneatley i got the newspapers and threw it at the door...nothing was moving so then my dog starting barking at it and it didnt move so then i grab my dads shoe and threw it at the door... nothing moved... so then my little brother got a flashlite and looked at it he couldnt c it so i juss opened the door and [[this is supposed to be the funny part]] the orange little fluff ball was one of my dogs treats [[LMFAO]] with one of my dogs toys attached to it...so i got newspaper , my dads shoes and a flashlite for no darn reason lmao that juss made my day...

then i watched a half hour of napoleon dynamite [[for the 6th time]] and then i went outside again a played v-ball with a basketball ouch lol

thats my day so far lmao

comment if u want..plz lol
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