Pet supermarket costume contest 2019

Oct 19, 2019 22:27

So, Saturday Oct. 19 was the annual pet costume contest at Pet Supermarket from 2-3pm.
I’d been looking forward to this but we weren’t sure if we were going since it was pretty stormy out all day.. bc of the tropical storm coming through, but it cleared up and we decided to go still.
Butters dressed up as a Ghostbuster and Aj was slimmer! They were sooo cute together!! We got in around 2:15 and there were a handful of people there but they didn’t announce the winners til 3pm so we stuck around for 45 more minutes and Butters had a good time exploring while Aj had fun looking at all the colorful fishes!
Finally at 3 they had everyone crowd around in the front center with all their pets. It was a good turn out this year! But I knew Butters would totally win!
They did the contest a little differently this year than previous years though, they gave out first place for kids costumes, 1st place for pet costumes and a drawing basket! Kids prize had a big bag of candy & a 1st place medal, pet costume had a little bag of goodies and a 1st place medal, the basket had an assortment of items and each prize had a $10 gift card to Pet Supermarket!
Adrian won the kids costume contest! As soon as they gave us the prize, I knew they wouldn’t give Butters it bc then it would be a complete sweep and other people would have been pretty upset! So we completely understood why another pup got the prize! (A cute Yorkie dressed as a witch) A lady with two mini greyhounds won the basket raffle! So Adrian picked out a new toy for Butters, a cherry icee tug and squeaker toy! We left feeling like we had the two biggest winners! Our babies are the absolute cutest and sweetest! I don’t care that I’m biased! Lol
But even if they didn’t win a prize, I already know they are winners!
So I’d like to say this is Butters 3rd win at this costume contest!! She’s such a sweet little girl!

pet costume contest, halloween

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