hey guyss

Apr 29, 2005 14:03

okay remember how i said my spring break was gonna rock and i was gonna have so0o0o much funni whell it was a little change of plans got in a tad biit of trouble with the RENTSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so now im grounded for 3 weeks but now its less now its like 27 days in counting n now my rents say i have like this anger management problem which i dont but heyy they noe everyhtign rite???so let the do what the want ohh n i must have forgot to mention the part about fukin WOOD CAMP---->they r crazy just watch what happends if they send me to boot camp its wont be very pretty im not a bad kid there is so many othere problemed kids in the world im not the only one!!! i hvae problems thaat noone understands n noone ever will thanks peaces

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