
Feb 28, 2005 23:50

The Ultimate 241 question survey!!!!

Created by xxabbyrocksxx and taken 209 times on bzoink!

Physical Features and other stuff
What is your full name? Sunni Rae Busch
How tall are you? 5'2"
Boy or girl? Girl
What color is your hair? Brown With Highlites
How long is it? Long
Is it straight or curly? striaght at the moment
What color are your eyes? Lite Brown
Do you wear glasses? when no one can see me
What color is your skin? Tan
Do you have freckles? Nope
How long are your nails? real short unless Acrylics
Do you bite them? constantly
Do you wear makeup? Yea
Have you ever dyed your hair? yes i have
Do you find yourself attractive? no
Do other people find you attractive? No,Only JOE N HES HOTT N I WANT HIM SO THATS GOOD!!
What is the best thing about your body? hmmm....dont really know
The worst? again im at a loss
Your Home Life
What City do you live in? Plantation...grrrr
Do you live in a subdivision? maybe...who's asking?
How many people live in your house? 3
Do you live with both parents? unffortunatly yes
What does your mom do? UH dunno
What does your dad do? uh Dunno
Have any siblings? Brother
If so, how old are they and what are their names? Brad n 27....i think?!
Do they work? yes
How many bedrooms does your house have? 3
Bathrooms? 2 1/2
How many T.V.s are in your house? 5
Do you have any game consoles? no im normal
What color is your room? blue
Do you like it? its cozy
Why or why not? cuz its MY room
Do you have a T.V. or computer in your room? Yes Both
What color is your floor? Tan color
Do you have a big backyard? yea
How old is your house? Stoneage just for u JOE
Do you like being in your house? when no one is home
Do you like your family? no
Are you close to your family? yeah my cousin Alex who is in rehab
Who do you look up to the most? I did look up too STEVE RIP
Does anybody in your house suffer from an illness? most deffinitly....
Have any pets? yes i do
What are their names and what are they? SCRUFFY my doggy n Ray n Rayette they are birds
Do they crap on the rug? no
School life
What is your favorite class? SAT PREP WITH RONKIN NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is your favorite teacher? no one
Least favorite? uhh
What time is your lunch? 12:10
Where do you eat lunch? Choir Room
What kind of grades do you get? okay ones
Are you on the National Honors Committee? no
What time does school start? 7:50 but dont get ther till 8:45
How do you get to school? my mom or Steph
What time does it end? 1:00
How do you get home? bus or Steph
What grade are you in? 10
Are you in any sports or clubs? not at the moment
Do you have a locker? yes
Does shit fall on you when you open your locker? no its clean
How many periods do you have? fuk alot
Do you like school? it has benifits and it sux at the same time
Do you attend sporting events? no
Do you have school spirit? OFCOURSE
Random Questions
Do you drink pop? yes
Do you have white teeth? no
Do you shave? yes
What shampoo do you use? Suave
Do you eat alot of food? yes and no
What was the longest you went without food? a week
Do you play sports? only for fun
If so, what are they? hockey, football, baketball, soccer
Any other activities? Boxing!!!!!!!1
Do you like anybody at the moment? Most deffinitly
Does anybody like you? I hope so
Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? no
Would you go out with an unattractive person? no
band Sublime, Greenday its a tie
singer Elton John
actor hmmm...Chad Michael Murray
disney movie Alladin
movie OCEANS 12
sports team d/k
clothing brand Hollister abercrombie a n e
drink Jack Daniels
pop Mountain Dew
soap dont know
color Pink n Blue
number 4 and 7
quote i love this crazy tradgic magic almost beautiful awful life!
song Iris-goo goo dolls
Have you ever...
Climbed a mountain? yes
Sang on stage? yes
Been on stage? yes
Been in a play? yes
If so, who were you? n/a
Been to New York? yes
Been to Hawaii? no
Been to Washington D.C. yes
Been to Kentucky? yes
Killed someone?
Been in love? uhhh...i dunno actually maybe
Been heartbroken? yes
Broken a promise? not that i kno of
Told a secret? yes
Spread gossip? yes
Dressed in front of the opposite sex? yes
Gone scuba diving? yes
Got really drunk? oh yeaaaaaaaaaa
Done drugs? grrr....yes
Hitchhiked? yes
Stole something? yes
Skinny dipped? yes
Done a polar bear swim? cant say that i have
Broken somebodies heart? i dunno
Broken a bone? yes
Called 911? yes
If so, why? i saw my friend o.d
Saved a life? yes, once
Almost died? yes 3 timesa
Been in the hospital? yes
Lossed someone? yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
been really scared? yes I am STILL SCARED OF CLOWNS
This or that
Pepsi or coke neither
Water or sports drink water
Orange or black black
PC or mac pc
Kerry or Bush kerry
Meat or veggies meat
dog or cat dog
run or walk walk
Football or basketball football
summer or winter SUmmer
ski or snow board snow board
Night or day night
life or death LIFE
Ashton or Orlando ashton
white or black black
Policeman or firefighter neither
nintendo or play station play station
Your Opinion on...
Ralph Nader ummm.....he's still there?
Gay marriages ummm...i really dont care
racism .............
abortion yes if u need one
religion .........................
religion in schools ..........................
Pollution ........................
war totaly neccessary
economy ours sux right now
Micheal Jackson get your hand off me!
Martha Stewart Evil Witch!!
Your Childhood
Favorite childhood tv show? FULL HOUSE
did you sleep with stuffed animals? yes still do
Were you a fat kid? yes
How much did you weigh at birth? 5 pounds 3 oz
Were you a brat? yes
Did you experiance second hand smoke? most deffinitly
Where did you live? hospital for 8 motnhs
Your friends were...Steve,Kayla,T,Michi,Kk,Sara
ever set anything on fire when you were little? yes i proudly did
Did you ever stick a knife in the electrical outlet? no......a fork
What did you want to be when you grew up? Never thought about it until now
Your favorite color was... pink
The future
Do you want kids? yes
Do you want to get married? yes
Do you want to go to college? yeah
What do you want to be? pycoligist
Where would you like to live? the Cali
What do you plan to do in the next ten years? Get married, move , and get a house
Own a house or an apartment? A House hopefully
when will you move out of the parental unit's house? next summer
Will you/ do you already vote? ..............
go in the military? ..............
Right now
How do you feel? exhausted
what are you wearing? exs boxers n a wifebeater
Are you on a messenger? no
Eating/drinking anything? no
What underwear are you wearing? thong
What time is it? 12:24
What room are you in? a big one
who is home? mom n dad
what do you hear? tim n joe laughing
are you iming anyone? no
Talking to anyone on the phone?yes tim n joe
where will you be in 2 hours? in bed
The last...
thing you drank water
thing you ate a sub
shower this morning
bath like 4 days ago
magazibe you read teen ppl
person you IMed dont know
person you made out Cant Say
place you were other then here school
Person you saw Joe n tim
word you wrote Tim
name you called Tim n joe
went to the bathroom right before i did this survey
Final thoughts
Did this survey kick ass or what? sure man whatever floats your boat
Anything else we need to know? no
How long did it take you to fill out? Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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