Feb 03, 2005 16:58
Well what can i say but i have to work again tonight!:)...yea how fun...not on some nights it is then others it is just AHHHHHH:) Oh man did you know that there is only about a month and ummmm maybe like 20 sumthing days until the one and only amy comes out:)...so excited...i haev some major plans :) we will have a great time!
oh how can i forget JEWELS.....CONGRATS on your new postion at the EPL:)...you deserve it..you were truly the best page ever aside form me:)...lol....so do you get paid more money now or what are you going to the party's now or what i need details:)...ttyl i better:)
so anyways how is marky-mark?.....lol:)..inside joke Katie you rock and roll:)..lol.....did you see that wandering eye...lol...okay i'll stop...lol
What else has been going on..oh i can't get finacil aid until like another two weeks because the chic was telling me all the wrong stuff so now i have to wait till i get the info man i hate when you go through a middle man., ugh take my word for it do things on your own and ask tons of questions even if they are not need, you just might never know though huh?!? I applied for a credit card i really need it i want to estaablish some sort of credit so i can get things in my name and then one day get a NEW car:)...that will be the day....one day soon:)...i hope i get it maybe, hopefully, gosh i sure do hope so, i have had emergancies for the past three weeks like WAOH!!
I get paid tomorrow thank gosh because i don't know how much longer i could go on with out any money...UGH...i can't even aforrd to ride the city bus to work and it is only $1.75. i have to find change in the couch....lol...i haven't taken the bus anywhere aside from work buti would to go on the bus down town:)...it is so nice and the buses out here are a lot more safe then back home or i could take he trolly..that would be fun:)
Well i have to get my sisite now from class because i don't want to keep her waiting:)...well God bless everyone and take care...hope to hear from you all soon...maybe?!?!?...hopefully?!?!?!:)
Peace out
I'll be home in about ummm....5 months...only 5 months left to go:)...excited to see everyone again:)
*I'm so caught up got me feeling it
*caught up
*i don't know what to do