shit happens when you party naked

May 18, 2004 20:37

another one

Current music: the faint
Current taste: cigys
Current hair: uhh freshly washed
Current clothes: the 504's small LA shirt, brown saucony
Current annoyance: my wrist hurts

Current thing I ought to be doing: nothing, or sex
Current windows open: myspace, aim
Current desktop picture: my baby and I
Current book: Journal of light construction, oh yea
Current cds in stereo: hollywodd hits danse mix

Current crush: dani she is my love and sex
Current hate: bros

*Do I*
Smoke? everyday
Do drugs? not often
Have sex? too much
Have recurring dreams? nope
Remember your first love? yup, dani thinks i still love her, I DONT
Still love him/her? NOPE
Read the newspaper? uhh no
Have any gay or lesbian friends? well dan and amanda are gay
Believe in miracles? yes but i think there's an explanation to them that would make them not really miracles anymore
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? yup but rare
Consider yourself tolerant of others? no i hate stupid fucks and people the piss me off
Consider love a mistake? never
Have a favorite candy? candy dots, they give me boners
Believe in astrology? mine is always strangely accurate
Have any pets? MY dog lady, i love to death
Go to or plan to go to college: yea i go, sometimes
Have any tattoos? 5
Have any piercings? took um out
Hate yourself? yes
Have an obsession? sex, ask dani
Have a secret crush? nope
Have a best friend? dan and hani
Wish on stars? star light star bright...
Care about looks? definately

*Love life*
Single or attached? girlfriend
Ever been in love? yup yup
Do you believe in love at first sight? definately
Do you believe in "the one?": yes and i will marry her
Describe your ideal significant other: gorgeous, big boobs, skinny, funny, down for anything

*Juicy stuff*
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? im always naked, i played these games when i was 6.
Have you ever been intoxicated? im drunk right now.
Favorite place to be kissed? hahah my little secret
Shy to make the first move? im not shy, used to be

Rubber: condom
Rock: crack
Green: money
Cry: water
Peanut: butter
Cold: snow
Steamy: my sex
Fast: dans i have heard
Freaky: the guy at the gas station with 6 fingers
Rain: sex
Bite: dani
Suck: dani
Blow: dani

Is punk rock dead?: umm no
Vampires- cool or uncool?: i wish i was a vampire
Is the government going to hell?: yeah and im probably going there too
Do you know what AFI stands for?: a fire inside
Wasn't the CareBear stare just the coolest thing when you were little?: it still is bioctches
Summer or winter?: both, but i love it hotttt
What is the best form of art?: porn, haha prolly photography
Are you allergic to poison ivy?: yes iv had it 9 times, i hate that shit
Ever hang out with Mr. Peace Pipe?: is this some kind of drug reference?
What year in school was the worst?: 7th cuz people thought i was gay cuz i would fuck fat bitches, i rule too much for that
arent cats just adorable: uhh if ur amanda, u think they are

of friends on your b/l: 200
How many people have you kissed?: umm i dont even know how many people i have had sex with
Have you lost touch with friends in the past few years?: yes, some of them i miss and some of them i have forgotten completely
of people you talk to on the phone regularly: maybe 10

Does the word "wang" make you laugh?: haha, im inmature

Would you ever go "down under?": I lwould love to haha
Road trips are great, huh?: yea, but i get drunk and do somethign and end up in jail, so they sort of suck
Have you ever been on one?: too many to count
Have you ever gone out of the country?: mexico. but that doesnt really count, cuz mexican is the main language in calirfornia
Would you ever live out of the country?: i would totally live in australia
Let's go to India together: i dont like indians

How about the drive-in?: i like at the drive in
The cutest actress is: there are a lot
What about actor?: mathew mcanahey
Best band: saosin
Ever been to a local show?: yep
If so, what band did you see?: ive been to a ton of shows
Best music genre: maybe electro
Do you like emo?: i try to kill myslef teeehehee
What about a broadway play?: im not a prep fagass
What are you thinking?: boobs, sex tonight, drunk tomorrow
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